Gamescom is one of the world’s leading gaming trade fairs and exhibitions held each year since 2009 at Köln Messe, Cologne, Germany, and in 2022 was attracting more than 265,000 visitors from 100 countries. Meanwhile, the B2B area was attended by 1,100 exhibitors from 53 countries.
Indonesia’s last year participation was a collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, and the Association of Indonesian Game Developers (AGI), which carried the Indonesian Pavilion entitled “GotGame.ID – Games from Indonesia”.
The Indonesian Pavilion was located in Hall 3.2 on the special business area (B036G and C039G), occupied an area of 54m2 (9m x 6m) facilitating 13 game sub-sector industries consisting of 1 game publishing company, 6 game developer/studios companies and 6 service companies, from different cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta, Bandung and Malang. A total of 9 game developers were present offline, namely Agate, Arsanesia, Big Fire Studio, Roundabout, Komodoz, Megaxus, Niji Games, UMN Pictures, and Wisageni Studio. While 4 others attended online, namely IOTA, Devata Game Production, Redamantine, and Satriver.

The Indonesian Pavilion was inaugurated by the Indonesian Ambassador Mr. Arif Havas Oegreseno, accompanied by the Indonesian Consul General in Frankfurt Mr. Acep Somantri, Head of ITPC Hamburg, AGI President Mr. Cipto Adiguno, and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Febrianto Nur Anwari, as well as co-exhibitor representatives. The Ambassador highlighted the importance of Indonesia’s export position to Germany, which ranks 5th after Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. Especially for the Games sub-sector, Indonesia is not well known in Germany.
During the Gamescom 2022 exhibition, Indonesian pavillion participants have succesfully met with at least 273 potential buyers from Meet to Match appointments and walk-in-buyers. This year, ITPC Hamburg is again collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to attend the Gamescom exhibition will be held in Cologne from 23rd to 27th August 2023.
Documentation of the gamescom 2022 exhibition
Atmosphere of business meeting Atmosphere of business meeting Co-exhibitor General Evaluation Indonesia’s presence in the Consumer Area – Indie Arena Indonesia’s presence in the Consumer Area – Indie Arena
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